Photos, 1997-98

Crown Jewel
The "silly" picture of the band from Crown Jewel Festival, 1997.
The following three pictures were taken at the MCHS vs. SFHS game, on November 13th at Tiger Stadium. This is the game where the middle school bands come to play with our bands, that's why you might see many different color dancers.
On the Field
This is us playing Land of a Thousand Dancers w/ the Middle Schools.
In the Stands 1
A classic picture of the band, with the drum line in focus. (That’s me, the blonde one)
In the Stands 2
Same position as the last one, just a different song. =)
Thanks to the Russell Family for those pictures!
My freshman picture, just to let you all see the beauty of our band uniforms. =)
The Coke Factory in Atlanta, GA, with the Tiger Regiment underneath.
Some members of the band all dressed up and ready to see the Atlanta Symphony.
A home game for the Atlanta Braves. A few band members pose near our group seats.
More Atlanta pictures, etc. will be put up in ONE week!!